The Mozart House in Vienna
In the 2006 newly designed permanent exhibition spread over three floors, visitors can learn about the details of Mozart‘s Viennese life and circumstances: how he resided here, where he performed, his relationship to the Freemasons, his friends and patrons, his most important works, and many more.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a person who attached great importance to his appearance. To dress or reside like an aristocrat was anything but usual in that time for a man of his status. So it seems very surprising to see how grand the music genius resided here in his flat: on more than 150 m2 with total 4 rooms, 2 cabinets and one kitchen. It seems less surprising that he was not able to afford this flat very long – his gambling passion finally contributed the essential part to it. Just two and a half years he and his family could call this apartment their home. Then they needed to move to another of their total fourteen apartments in Vienna – of which the one in Domgasse is the only one still standing.
Duration: appr. 2 hours.
Admission fee not included. Please find the current fees here.